Women and borders

Migrating and crossing borders is often a dangerous undertaking, particularly for women and children, who may suffer serious forms of violence, both during transit and after reaching their destination country. Migrant women often lac access to necessary sexual and reproductive health services, even when pregnant. They must deal with dangerous trafficking networks and may face multiple forms of violence at the hands of inmigration authorities, border patrol agents, other migrants, or even their own travel companions and family members. The violence usually does not cease on arrival in the destination country.
We work for recognition of migrant women’s rights and to eradicate the continuous violence they face. We demand systems that work in practice so all women ma have access to justice and effective protection of their rights.
Since 2000, we have documented and reported many cases of human rights violations suffered by women and girls who cross borders and find themselves trapped in trafficking networks, foreign detention centers, refugee camps, etc., and in many cases, societies that refuse to accept them.
In the last decade, thousands of women have been forced to move to conflict areas, where their rights and those of their dependants have been dismished.
In the last period, these women have been victims of violence, war and lack of freedom. Most of them, upon returning to their homes, face enormous difficulties in their reintegration into society.
The project Lalla was born with the vocation of helping these women and their dependants in its reconstruction process. Who is the Lalla Project aimed at?

Women returning to conflict zones with minors they do not have their own finantional means and they intend to start a new life.
Are you in that situation or do you know someone?.

Fill out the form or send an email to this address info@womenffund.com and a member of Women for Future will contact you shortly.